80's Nostalgia Power Box

Our Introduction Letter
Broken Arrow Freshman Academy Families:
We hope the “Flip the Script” Power Box connected your family for a fun movie night, popcorn, Mad Libs® and dialogue on bullying. With approximately 1 in 5 students being bullied on school property, your student has likely experienced bullying personally, knows someone who has been bullied or bullied someone themselves. As a parent or caregiver, it is important you continue these conversations with your student. We would love to hear from you on the “Flip the Script” activities! Send us a message or post pictures on our Facebook page.
574 Foundation is sending it back to the 80’s with our “Nostalgia” Power Box! This month’s Power Box focuses on the October National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on October 29th. We have provided one Deterra® Drug Deactivation System Pouch for your family to safely deactivate and dispose of unused or expired medication. The Deterra® Drug Deactivation System Pouch is environmentally safe and user-friendly, much better for the environment than flushing or sending medication down a drain! The Power Box includes an infographic on prescription drug abuse statistics. These resources will provide an opportunity to both discuss prescription drug abuse and properly dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs.
Of course, the “Nostalgia” Power Box includes a cool hacky sack swag. Adults may have to show off their hacky sack skills! If kicking around a sack isn’t your thing, we have provided nostalgic meal ideas, a fun fortune teller activity and 80’s trivia to connect as a family.
We appreciate your participation in the Power Box program!
Bobby Cook
574 Foundation President
1. Adult/Student Goal card
For Parents/Adults: Read the infographic on prescription drug abuse and discuss with your student.
Facilitate with your student the safe disposal of unused or expired prescription drugs using the Deterra® Pouch. Connect and have fun with your student playing our 80’s trivia, creating a fortune teller and kicking around a hacky sack! Reminisce about past meals you had as a kid and consider bringing your favorite meal back to the dinner table.
For Students: Talk with your parent or caregiver about any questions you have about prescription drugs and why it is important to safely dispose of drugs. Assist with the safe disposal of unused or expired prescription drugs in your home. Quiz your parent or caregiver on how much they know about the 80’s and see if they remember how to fold the paper fortune teller! Check out the nostalgic meals from your parent or caregiver’s generation. Share which ones you would enjoy.
2. Infographic
The infographic shows the increase in deaths as a result of drug overdose since 1980 and the involvement of opioids contributing to the increase.
Our infographic highlights the misuse of drugs among our young people. With providing the grade comparisons, it is our hope our families understand the pivotal time in their own student’s life and it is never too early to start a conversation on avoiding drug use.
3. Meal Ideas
Hearkening back to the days of old, aka the 80s, you will want to indulge in a few of these easy and tasty meal options while maybe streaming an old Dallas or Three’s Company rerun with your parent(s)’.
While nibbling on these tasty treats, allow your parent(s)’ to daydream and speak of what all they endured during that fascinating era.
From wearing the sweater around the neck to those mom jeans, enjoy a laugh or two while taking a bite of some cinnamon toast!
4. Fortune Teller
80s kids didn’t have the luxury of smart phones and gaming devices. They had to be overly creative and somewhat a little eccentric in the process.
One didn’t have to “pass a note in gym” to come up with a popular makeshift game out of notebook paper, like the Fortune Teller game. Definitely a cheaper version of 8 ball and all the more fun and dare we say, “Rad!”
Did your parents play this game? The answer will either be, “yes, no, or maybe!”
5. Deterra® Drug Disposal
The Deterra® Drug Deactivation System Pouch is environmentally safe and user-friendly, much better for the environment than flushing or sending medication down the drain and affecting our water supply.
Safely dispose of your unwanted medicine with the easy-to-use Deterra® pouch. We want to make it easy to do the right thing and protect families and our drinking water!
6. 1980’s Time Capsule Trivia
Yo! Wanna test your 80s knowledge? See if you can answer more than your elders can on this trivia!
Maybe play some Cindy Lauper tunes, chill and hang out with the parents around the dinner table and have some fun. Word!
7. Hacky Sack Swag
Put down the smart phone, De-stress and get a little exercise in while bouncing a hacky sack off your shoes, either with your posse or just chill by yourself and practice some balance.
Jam to some Billy Idol if you have a boombox or Sony walkman handy!